
why risk it?

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Hi, my name is Sean Kavanagh

This is about Falling… and I’ve become very experienced at it!

In 2016, it was my near fatal bicycle accident that put me in a coma for weeks and out of commission for most of a year.

In 2019, there was the trauma of stepping out of my business leadership role, after running The Ariel Group for twenty years, which took the wind out of my sails.

And just as I started to get my mojo back in early 2020, I was told to put on a mask and stay at home!

This is also about (you supply the rest… and the VALUE in Falling)

We can’t avoid falls.

But we can get up after with dignity and

an increased understanding of

who we are and how we want to live.

In no way was Sean's recent personal journey easy, yet his indomitable spirit found countless ways to help others while helping himself comeback from almost losing everything that defined him. Sean is generous and engaging and a wonderful speaker with an important story that will inspire others to their best work and keep going despite the obstacles.

- Peggy McGillin, CFP®, President
Journey Wealth Partners
More Joy, Less Worry