Sean’s interactive keynotes deliver for a range of audiences:

Leadership and Management

Inspire your people to grow and succeed by encouraging them to take risks, and learn from their falls. And to tell those stories as part of their leadership voice.


Healing is more than just repairing an injury or curing an illness. It is about having the empathy and encouragement to help the person, not just the patient.


Inspire non profit leadership to tell the stories of impact about their mission and the impact of their work.

Higher Education

To prepare for the job market, undergrads, grad students and MBA’s need to articulate who they are not just what they know. Stories about their challenges, set backs and what they learned, set them apart from the pile of resumes employers are managing.

Sean Kavanagh is an inspirational speaker, who holds instant credibility with any audience as a result of his personal experience and testimony.

Sean is committed to helping others and transforming lives in a positive way.

Peggy McGillin, CFP®, President Journey Wealth Partners More Joy, Less Worry



Major Cancer Research Hospital June 2019


A full-day program at that included three events. Beginning with a one-hour keynote on Fall Risk, to the leadership of the medical and management staff. The group follow up with a 3-hour interactive workshop using improv techniques to teach staff how to cooperate and communicate with greater agility. Finally, there was a fun experience, designed specifically for the patient-family group; this event included world-famous clown, Dr. Mensch, who interviewed Sean and involved the children in magic and song.



Boston Marathon Charity Lecture
April 2019


The Healing Power of Presence in Health Care

Sean delivered Fall Risk talk at a fund raiser with Dr. Valena Wright, a gynecologic Oncologist who was raising money for her Boston Marathon run in support of cancer research. The talk focused on how interpersonal skill is a powerful clinical tool, and how the doctors who treated him were so much more effective when then engaged him as a person not just a patient.

GILD October 2018

Keynote at Leadership Conference

Keynote speaker at this 3 day international leadership conference. Addressing and audience of 400 leaders from business and government, Sean delivered a 90 minute address on Fall Risk, specifically tailored to the conference theme of The PURPOSEFUL LEADER, someone who embodies wisdom, conviction, responsibility, commitment, openness & belief in others. We discussed the similarities between healing and leading and Sean challenged the group to consider the question, “As leaders do you encourage your people to take risks from which they learn and grow, or is your approach to mitigate risk?”



Homefront Foundation
August 2018

Presentation to returning veterans on storytelling and resilience

Sean participated in multiple events with this non-profit group whose mission is “Teaching Veterans and those who serve to tell their story”. Their belief is that as a returning veteran if you own your personal narrative, you can control your life. Sean told my Fall Risk story, with particular emphasis on what can be learned from our traumas. He then coached individual veterans in telling their personal stories as a way to reconnect with family and community. https://www.thehomefrontfoundation.org/

Walden Behavioral Health
February 2019

Speaker at Grand Rounds for physicians and staff.
